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The Rappaport Institute looks forward to continuing to make substantial future contributions in biomedical research"

Professor Karl Skorecki

Bio-Rap completes first trial of Type 1 diabetes detection biomarker

25 September, 2007

Micromedic Technologies Ltd. announced on Sept. 17th that the first trial of its in- licensed early-stage diabetes detection biomarker, based on the technology developed by Professors Nathan Karin, of the Rappaport Institute and Naim Shehadeh, Head of Pediatrics A and the Type 1 Diabetes Center at Rambam Medical Center, has been completed.
The trial took place at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa and was conducted on 119 patients, divided into three groups: pre-diabetics, new diabetics, and long-time diabetics. Healthy persons were used as a control group. An article in the 17 September 2007 issue of Globes (online) Israel Business News, reported that the biomarker showed a 95% accuracy rate in detecting patients suspected as Type 1 pre-diabetics, and a 90% accuracy rate in detecting newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetics, on the basis of unique antibodies in the patients’ blood, in comparison to a diagnostic marker already on the market that shows an accuracy rate of 70% .
Moreover, in a preliminary trial conducted on 13 LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults) patients, our marker showed a 77% accuracy rate in comparison to a 31% accuracy rate of the other commercial marker.
Micromedic will shortly proceed with more extensive trials for the biomarker and in the future, will either register the biomarker with an independent regulator, such as the FDA or develop it jointly with another Company that is licensed to develop tests.

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